--- layout: default title: usr/share/doc/sysbox/html/tool/tmemo.html --- Sysbox: tmemo

Sysbox: tmemo

Usage: tmemo [OPTION]... TASKNAME...
or: tmemo -P [OPTION]... TASKHANDLE...

Display all memos of a task (aka. process) handle or name. Can be invoked only from elevated shells (or tasks).

Conjunction with tview can be very useful.



Examples (Important! Only super tasks can perform these):

# tmemo tmemo
Task 0x2E001ACC (tmemo) memos:
              Handle Type          Address   Size  Alloc  Views Copies  Del
  0x0000000027001ACF Norm                -      1      1      1      0   no
  0x000000003A001AD0 Norm                -      1      1      1      0   no
  0x000000003A001ADC Norm                -      1      1      1      0   no
  0x0000000019001B70 Norm                -     69     43      2      0   no
  0x0000000019001B73 Norm                -      1      1      1      0   no
  0x0000000019001B75 Norm                -      1      1      1      0   no
  0x0000000019001B77 Norm                -      8      1      1      0   no
  0x000000004D001AD7 Norm                -      1      1      1      0   no
  0x0000000019001B7B Norm                -      1      1      1      0   no
  0x000000002C001B7D Norm                -      4      4      1      0   no
# tmemo libsvc
Task 0x5000128 (libsvc) memos:
              Handle Type          Address   Size  Alloc  Views Copies  Del
  0x000000000300012C Norm                -     51     51      1      0   no
  0x000000000200016A Norm                -      1      1      1      0   no
  0x000000000200016C Norm                -      1      1      1      0   no
  0x000000000200016E Norm                -      1      1      1      0   no
  0x0000000001000173 Norm                -      1      1      1      0   no
  0x0000000002000175 Norm                -      4      4      1      0   no
  0x0000000001000193 Norm                -      1      1      1      0   no
  0x0000000002000198 Norm                -      2      2     12      0   no
  0x000000000200019A Norm                -      4      1      1      0   no
  0x0000000002000244 Norm                -      8      8      1      0   no
  0x0000000002000257 Norm                -      2      2     11      0   no
  0x0000000002000259 Norm                -      1      1      1      0   no
  0x000000000E0016E1 Norm                -      1      1      2      0   no