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title: usr/share/doc/sysbox/html/tool/lsisr.html
Sysbox: lsisr
Sysbox: lsisr
Usage: lsisr [OPTION]...List Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs). Only administrators (those who run in super tasks) can perform this operation.
This tool is useful to determine which IRQ numbers are used, or which numbers are unused.
- -i
Organize the output by ISRs. In other words, group by IRQ numbers. This is the default mode. - -n
Resolve task name if possible. - -N
Do not resolve task names. Enabled by default. - -t
Organize the output by tasks. Useful to determine which tasks created ISRs and which IRQ numbers are used by those ISRs.
Examples (Important! Only super tasks can perform these):
# lsisr -tn Task 0x100000c: ISR 0x2000002, num: 2, priority: 0 Task 0x700020a (pcser): ISR 0x1000386, num: 4, priority: 0 Task 0x6000213 (pcser): ISR 0x10003d9, num: 3, priority: 0 Task 0x400038c (ps2): ISR 0x4000412, num: 1, priority: 0 ISR 0x1000429, num: 12, priority: 0 Task 0x400042d (cmosrtc): ISR 0x20004bd, num: 8, priority: 0 Task 0x6000088 (ahci): ISR 0x40008bc, num: 24, priority: 0 Task 0x90013ba (e1000): ISR 0x20015f9, num: 25, priority: 0 # # lsisr -n ISR num 1 ISR 0x4000412, priority: 0, owner: 0x400038c (ps2) ISR num 2 ISR 0x2000002, priority: 0, owner: 0x100000c ISR num 3 ISR 0x10003d9, priority: 0, owner: 0x6000213 (pcser) ISR num 4 ISR 0x1000386, priority: 0, owner: 0x700020a (pcser) ISR num 8 ISR 0x20004bd, priority: 0, owner: 0x400042d (cmosrtc) ISR num 12 ISR 0x1000429, priority: 0, owner: 0x400038c (ps2) ISR num 24 ISR 0x40008bc, priority: 0, owner: 0x6000088 (ahci) ISR num 25 ISR 0x20015f9, priority: 0, owner: 0x90013ba (e1000) #