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title: usr/share/doc/sysbox/html/tool/raiseexc.html
Sysbox: raiseexc
Sysbox: raiseexc
Usage: raiseexc [OPTION]... EXID/EXSPEC PROCNAME...or: raiseexc -P [OPTION]... EXID/EXSPEC TASKHANDLE...
Raise a user exception to a process/task by handle or name. Can be invoked only from elevated shells (or tasks).
EXID is a non-negative integer number. It must be less than 16. In other words, the accepted range is 0-15 (inclusive).
EXSPEC is one of the following:
- SIGNAL: signal carrier exception
- DEBUGCONSOLE: opens debug console in target if enabled
The implementation is basically just a RaiseException() system call. The target task is specified by PROCNAME or TASKHANDLE.
The basic functionality of the kill(1) tool can be achived with raiseexc. For example: after sleep 10000 & is invoked, the kill -9 sleep will be quite similar to raiseexc SIGNAL sleep -p 9.
- -p NUM
Specify the exception parameter. Defaults to zero. - -P
Use task IDs instead of task names. Use the 0x prefix to indicate hexadecimal handles.
Examples (Important! Only super tasks can perform these):
# raiseexc SIGNAL sleep -p 9 #